Środa, 24 kwietnia 202424/04/2024
690 680 960
690 680 960

Założył konto „inwestycyjne”, stracił 125 tys. złotych

Mieszkaniec Zamościa znalazł ogłoszenie o możliwości inwestowania pieniędzy. Mężczyzna przekazał swoje dane oszustom, a ci przelali z jego konta łącznie 125 tys. złotych.

Mieszkaniec Zamościa powiadomił policjantów o oszustwie, którego padł ofiarą. 59-latek znalazł ogłoszenie w sieci o możliwości zainwestowania pieniędzy. Wszedł w link, który przekierował go na stronę firmy. Następnym krokiem było podanie swoich danych, wysłanie zdjęcia dokumentu, założenie konta inwestycyjnego i włata 250 euro. Pokrzywdzony wykonał te polecenia.

Następnie mężczyzna odebrał telefon od kobiety, która uprzedziła, że do 59-latka będzie dzwonił pracownik firmy inwestycyjnej, który nauczy go jak pomnażać pieniądze. Po pewnym czasie zadzwonił zapowiadany mężczyzna. Oszust poleciał 59-latkowi zainstalowanie na komputerze programu do zdalnej obsługi pulpitu, udostępnienie rozmówcy kodu dostępu oraz zalogowanie się na konto bankowe.

Pokrzywdzony wykonał polecenia, widząc jak rozmówca na jego koncie wykonuje operacje finansowe. Jak się dowiedział 59-latek, takie miały być procedury tego „inwestowania”. Przelewy miały być niezbędne do zabezpieczenia konta inwestycyjnego oraz transakcji. Pieniądze miały wrócić do pokrzywdzonego po uwierzytelnieniu jego konta. Kiedy oszust wykonywał przelewy pokrzywdzony za każdym razem zatwierdzał ich wykonanie.

Po pewnym czasie 59-latek zorientował się, że najprawdopodobniej padł ofiarą oszustów. Zadzwonił do banku, gdzie zablokował konto i kartę, po wizycie w placówce dowiedział się, że z jego konta w kilku przelewach wypłacono łącznie 125 tysięcy złotych. Policjanci ustalają okoliczności tego oszustwa.

(fot. pixabay.com)

12 komentarzy

  1. Ja nawet pracownikom banku nie wierzę, gdy namawiają na inwestycje. Jeśli bank boi się zainwestować bezprocentowe pieniądze, to klient ma ufać jego poczynaniom?

  2. Nadmierny apetyt na cudowne rozmnażanie pieniędzy już nie jednego pozbawił gotówki przygotowanej na tzw. czarną godzinę.
    Pamiętacie Tuskowy Ambergold ?

    • co ty porównujesz Ambergold uwierzytelniany przez Tuska do klikniecia w link na komputerze

  3. N-ty raz!!! Człowiek imie obsługiwać komputer, do „internetów zagląda”, na zegarku też pewnie się zna i… daje się tak zrobić?

  4. Bo Polak to sie na wszystkim ” zna” widać nie na wszystkim.

  5. wyborca hołowni 2050

  6. To kara za to, że oszczędzał. mógł jeździć na porządne wczasy, ostro imprezować zamiast kisić kasę na starość. To co odłożysz ukradnie złodziej albo państwo. Na całym świecie tyle narobione długów, że prędzej czy później będzie reset. Trzymanie teraz gotówki to głupota.

  7. Codziennie słyszymy o oszustwach na wnuczka, policjanta, kryptowaluty itp. ciekawe ile osob się nie zgłasza bo miało albo lewa kasę albo się wstydzi. Swoją drogą oszuści dobrze kombinują, co strzal to mniej więcej koło 100 tys w razie czego posiedzą ze 4 lata (może) albo i nie posiedzą, przerobią 20 głupków w całym kraju (żeby tylko) i można się brać za jakieś legalne interesy.

  8. Mocno inwestycyjne, 125 tys zarobku przy minimum pracy

  9. nie doczytal kto ma na tym zarobić XD

  10. Not many domains have popularity as cloud computing has
    in recent times. So it’s no secret that cloud computing adoption is on Rice as you guys might have known Microsoft Azure is
    one of the best and leading cloud service providers and it certainly makes it to the list of top cloud computing skills.
    That one must have if you want to make a career in this domain then you have landed at right.
    Place hi, I welcome you all to this full course on Microsoft Azure, which not only talks about is your
    fundamentals, but will also take you deep at conceptual
    levels before we get into details. Let’s look at our agenda for
    today for better understanding and ease of learning
    entire course is divided into multiple modules. First module introduction to cloud is
    about what exactly cloud computing is different kind of deployment and
    service models in cloud computing second model is about as your fundamentals.
    Well in this module we will learn how to create a short Street our account and we’ll also discuss one of the code Computing service, which
    is Usher virtual machine next up in the third module will discuss
    as your storage services and database features in detail. Fourth module is about different
    network services offered by assured in here will discuss as your virtual Network and related
    Concepts like subnets security groups and many
    more in fifth module. We will learn how to secure
    your Access to your resources using identity
    and access Management Services like Azure active directory six module is all about is your
    develops in this module. We’ll learn how to simplify and accelerate entire divorce process using Azure develop services, like a sewer
    pipeline as your boards Etc in seventh module
    will talk about different services offered by Usher when you are dealing with current training Technologies,
    like machine learning a iot and Manny, Moe also will be comparing after sure
    with other leading service providers like AWS and
    gcp final module is mostly korea-related in this module.

    We’ll discuss most frequently Asked interview
    questions in Azure interviews will also discuss roles and
    responsibilities job Trends and skills that you should have to ease your interview.

    Thank you everyone while you are at it. Please do not forget to
    subscribe at Eureka YouTube channel and hit the
    Bell icon to stay updated with current trending
    Technologies. So let us move further and quickly take a look at today’s
    agenda first firstly, I would be discussing the basics of cloud as in why it is needed and what it is exactly.
    I would also discuss the different models that cloud has to offer to
    you like it’s service models and also its deployment models and also discuss the different Cloud
    providers that are there in the market and finally I would
    finish things off with the demo part. I hope this agenda is
    clear to all of you firstly let’s understand why Cloud to understand this So we need to understand the situation that existed before Cloud came into existence.
    So what happened back then and firstly in order to host a website, you have to
    buy a stack of servers and we all know that servers are very costly.
    So that meant we ended up paying a lot of money next was the issue of traffic.
    Now as we all know if you are hosting a website we are dealing with traffic
    that is not constant throughout the day and that meant more pain we
    would understand that as we move further and the other thing was monitoring and maintaining your servers.
    Yes, this is a very big problem now all these issues. They led to
    certain disadvantages. What are those as I mentioned servers are very costly.
    Yes. The setup was again costly and thus you ended up paying a lot
    of money and there were other factors contributing to this point.

    Let’s discuss those as well. One troubleshooting was a big issue since you’re dealing with
    a business. Your Prime Focus is on taking good decisions so that your business does well, but if you end up troubleshooting problems, Soare you focus more on infrastructure related issues.

    Then you cannot focus more on your business. And that was a problem.

    So either you had to do multitasking or you have to hire more people to focus on those issues thus again you ended up being more money as I’ve discussed the traffic on a website is never constant.
    And since it varies you are not certain about its patterns.

    Say, for example, I need to host a website and for that what
    I decided I am reserving to petabytes of total memory for my usage based.
    On the traffic but as the traffic, where is there would be times when the traffic
    is high and my whole to petabytes of data is consumed or space is consumed Roger.
    But what if the traffic is very low for certain hours of the day.

    I’m actually not utilizing these servers. So I end up paying more money for
    the servers than I should be. So yes upscaling was an issue.

    So all these things were an issue because we were paying
    more money. We do not have sufficient time to take our decisions properly.
    There was ambiguity. There was more trouble. All monitoring and
    maintaining all these resources and apart from that one important point
    which we need to consider is the amount of data that is being generated
    now and that was being generated then then it was okay, but nowadays
    if you take a look at it the amount of data that is generated is huge
    and this is another reason why Cloud became so important.
    Yeah, as of mentioned the data now, we all know that
    everything is going online these days and what that means
    is we shop online we buy food online. We do almost everything.
    What is required as an whatever information we need we get everything online your bookings and reservations.
    Everything can be taken care of that means we have a lot of data that is being generated these
    days and this is Digital Data back in those times. We were communicating through verbal discussions and all those
    things so through paperwork and that was a different data to
    maintain since everything is moving on cloud or moving
    online. The amount of data that we have is used these days
    and then when you have this huge amount of data Are you need a space where you
    can actually go ahead and maintain this data? So yes again, there was a
    nude of this piece and all these issues that is your cost.
    You’re monitoring your maintenance providing sufficient space.
    Everything was taken care by Cloud. So let us try to understand what this cloud
    is exactly. Well think of it as a huge space that is available
    online for your usage. This is a very generic definition to give you to be more specific.

    I would be seeing that think of it as a collection of data centers now.

    Yes, it does again at a place where you store your data or
    you host applications basically, so when you talk about these data centers, they were already existing.
    So what did Cloud do differently? Well, what cloud did was it made sure
    that you are able to orchestrate your various functionings applications managing your resources properly by combining
    all these data centers together through a
    network and then providing you the control to use this
    resources and to manage them properly to make it even more simpler.

    I would say there was a group of people or organizations.
    Basically that went ahead and bought these servers these compute capacities storage places compute services and all those things
    and they have their own channel or Network.
    All you have to do was go ahead and rent those resources only to the amount you
    need it and also for the time that you needed.
    So yes, this is what cloud did it let you rent the services that you need and you Only those
    services that you need so you ended up paying for the services that you rented and you ended up saving a lot of money.

    The other thing is these service providers. They take care of
    all the issues like your security your underlying infrastructures
    and all those things. So you can freely focus on your business and stop worrying about all these issues.
    So this is what cloud is in simple words. It’s a huge space which has all these services available and you can just go ahead and pick and render services that
    you want to use. So what is cloud computing? Well,
    I’ve already discussed that just to summarize it I would say
    it is nothing but an ability or it is a place where you can actually store your data.
    You can process it and you can access it from anywhere in the world.
    Now. This is an important Point say for example,
    you decide to choose a reason for infrastructure somewhere in u.s.

    You can certain maybe China or maybe in India and you can still have access to all your resources that
    is there in u.s. All you need is a good internet connection. So that is
    what cloud does. Makes the world accessible it lets you have your applications wherever you want to
    and manage them the way you want to so this was about cloud
    computing guys. Next we would be discussing different service models.
    Now you need to understand one thing you are being offered cloud services the platform to use your
    services or your applications basically, but then different people have different requirements.
    There are certain people who just want to consume a particular resource
    or there’s certain people who actually want to go ahead and create The View.
    Own applications great the own infrastructure and all those things.

    So based on these needs we have particular service models that is your Cloud providers provide you with a
    particular model which suits your needs. So let us try to understand these models one by one we
    have these three models that is your iaas your paas and your
    saas. I would be discussing them in the reverse order. That is I would be talking about saas first
    and then I would go upwards so let us start with saas or sad.

    SAS is nothing but a software-as-a-service. Now what happens here is basically you are just consuming a
    service which is already being maintained and handled by someone else to
    give you a valid example. We have a Gmail. All you do is
    you send mail to people and you receive mails and whatever functionality
    you do is you just use the service that is there. You do not
    have to maintain it. You do not have to worry about up scaling down scalings security issues
    and all those things. Everything is taken care by Google say for example But yard email is what I’m talking about Google manages
    everything here. So all you have to worry about is consuming that service now this
    model is known as software as a service that is saas.
    Next we have passed that is platform as a service now here you are provided with
    a platform where you can actually go ahead and build your
    own applications to give you an example. We
    have our Google app engine. Now when you talk about Google app engine, what you can do is you can go
    ahead and you can create your own applications and you can put
    Put it on Google app engine so that others can use it as well.
    So in short you are using the platform to create your own applications, and lastly we have iaas that is infrastructure as a service.
    Now. What do I mean by this? Well, the whole infrastructure is provided to you so that you can go
    ahead and create your own applications. That is
    an underlying structure is given to you based
    on that. You can go ahead and choose your operating systems the kind of Technology you want to use on that platform the applications you want to build an old those things.

    So that is what an IAB S is infrastructure-as-a-service basically,
    so these were the different models that I wanted to talk about.

    So let us move further and discuss the next topic. That is the different deployment models that are there.
    Now when you talk about deployment models, you can also call them
    as different types of clouds that are there in the
    market we have these three types. That is your public
    Cloud your private cloud and your hybrid Cloud. Let us try to understand these one
    by one now as the name suggests the public Cloud it’s available to everyone you have a A service provider who makes these services or these resources available to
    people worldwide through the internet. It is an easy and
    very inexpensive way of dealing with the situation because all you have to do is you have to go ahead
    and rent this cloud and you’re good to use and
    it is available publicly. Next. We have the private Cloud
    now. This is a little different here. You are provided with this service and you
    can actually go ahead and create your own applications.
    And since it’s a private Cloud you’re protected by a firewall.
    Add wall and you do not have to worry about various other issues that are there at hand
    and next. We have our hybrid Cloud now. It is a combination of your private cloud and your
    public Cloud say, for example, you can go ahead and build your applications privately you can use
    them. You can consume them you can use them efficiently. When you sense that peak in your traffic.
    You can actually move it to public that is you can move it to the public cloud
    and even others can have access to it and they can use it.

    So these are the three basic deployment models that are there for you.
    Exposure or your usage rather and you can go ahead and use those as well.
    I hope this was clear to all of you. So let us move further and try to understand the next topic that has different Cloud
    providers that are there in the market. Now as I’ve mentioned
    what happened was since Cloud came into existence quite a few
    people went ahead and they bought their own infrastructure and now they rent the services to other people and when you
    talk about this infrastructure, they’re quite a few
    people out there who are actually providing these cloud services to different people
    across the globe now when you talk about These Cloud providers.
    The first thing that should come to your mind is Amazon web services because it is highly popular and it
    leaves other Cloud providers way behind. The reason I’m saying this is the numbers that talk about Amazon web services to give you an example.

    If you talk about its compute capacity. It is six times larger than all the other service providers that are there in the market say
    for example, if you talk about the other service providers in the market if the compute capacity combined was ex-army Has
    on web services alone gives you a capacity of 6 x which is huge apart from that.

    It’s flexible pricing and various other reasons.
    That is the services it provides and all those things.

    It is rightly a global leader and the fact that it had a head start that is it
    started way before many other services that are there in the market.
    It actually gained popularity. And now we see quite a few organizations going ahead and using Amazon web services apart from that.
    We have Microsoft Azure, which is a Microsoft product and we all All that when Microsoft decides to do something they
    expect that they kill all the competition that is there in the market.
    It is still not in terms with Amazon web services or
    few other service providers that are than the market but not very neck to neck but it is probably the second best when you talk about Amazon web services or the cloud service providers in the market.
    So, yep, it has a lot of catching up to do when you compare it with Amazon web
    services, but it is still a very good cloud service provider that is
    there in the market. Then we have something called as Google Cloud platform again a very Very good cloud provider in the market.
    Now. Why am I saying this? We all know the infrastructure that Google
    has to offer to you. It has one of the best search
    engine that is then the market and the amount of data they deal with every day is huge.
    So they are the Pioneers when you talk about big data and all those things and they know how
    to actually handle this amount of data and how to have an infrastructure that
    is very good. That is why they have a very good facility and that leads to it being one of the cheapest service providers in the
    market. Yes, there are Features that DCP offers which are better,
    even than Amazon web services when you talk about its pricing and the reason for it is it has various other services that are there water
    does is it helps you optimize various costs how it uses analytics and various other ways by which
    it can optimize the amount of power you use and that leads to less usage of power.
    And since you are paying less for power that is provided as
    a paying less for power you end up paying less for your services as well.
    So that is why It is so cost efficient. Then the other service providers that is
    we have digital ocean. We have to remark we have IBM which is again very popular.
    But that is a discussion for some other time. As far as the
    service providers go. These are the major ones that as we have
    Amazon web services. We have Microsoft Azure, we have DCP which are talked
    about a lot. This was about the basic Cloud providers and the basic intro which I
    wanted you all to have. I hope you all are clear with
    whatever Concepts we’ve discussed in time. So let us move further and
    switch into the demo. Let us try to explore a few of these services or
    Cloud providers as in at least the introductory part.
    Okay. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to switch into the console basically where we can take
    a look at these Services one by one. So yes guys, what I’ve done is I’ve cornered and have
    logged into my AWS account now AWS provides you with a free
    tier and then they have the paid Services as well.
    Let’s discuss these one by one first. I would talk about AWS then I will talk about gcp and to some extent I would also
    discuss a juror as well, but But let’s focus on AWS for first one point,
    which I did not mention while going through the concepts was AWS provides you with a free
    tier. Now when I see a free tier, this is where you do not have to pay any upfront money.
    You can actually go ahead and have access to AWS services and see how they
    work and once you are confident and comfortable with them, you can actually go ahead and decide whether
    you want to buy those services or not. So yes,
    these services are made available to you for free for one complete Year.
    Yes. There are certain restrictions on it. But as long as you stay in those restrictions, you won’t
    be Panting if you cross those restrictions. Yes in abuse will charge
    you now. How does AWS do that? Well, when you create an account,
    you have to give in your credit card details or debit card details, when you do that database will cut a lump sum amount
    from your account verify account and reinstate that amount back into your account so that
    none of your money is used but just a verification is done that this is your valid credit card or your debit card and once your 12 month free
    trial expires, then they would notify you that your free trial is
    over. Would you want to go ahead and continue using our services if
    you say yes, then they would charge meanwhile, they won’t charge you
    so you can stay relaxed and you can actually go ahead and give you a credit card or debit card details, but just make sure that you set an alarm and once your free trial gets over you kind of either revoke your exes or go ahead and continue with the paid services that it abuse
    has to offer to you. So what does this re-tear has
    to offer to you? Basically, let’s take a look at those.
    Well firstly we have compute Services when you talk about AWS and Name a few we have ec2.
    We have Lambda which are popular Services now easy to
    is something like a raw server where you
    can actually go ahead and post our websites and applications.
    It is very popular. And if you want to use it, it obvious gives you 750 hours
    per month for free. Then you have some service called as Amazon quick set which is basically an analytic service and I won’t get into
    the details of what it does basically, but you have a space of 1 GB available to you that is nothing but
    spice capacity basically again, I won’t get into the
    details because I want to Stick to the surface as far as the session goes,
    then you have other services like your database service,
    which is an RDS. You have your storage service, which is S3 Amazon Lambda.
    Now Lambda is another compute service which is similar to your ec2.
    But ec2 is more of a place where you can host a websites.

    Where as Lambda does not let you host a website. But yes, you can definitely go ahead and do a lot of background application work.
    When you talk about AWS Lambda apart from that database also
    provides with various videos that talk about how do you
    want to go ahead and get started with using this? Sosa’s how to create
    an account how to create instances and all those things.
    So this was about the free tier let us kinda move further and see how the console looks like.
    You can actually go ahead and create your own instances.
    You can do a lot of things. So this is what the different services that a
    device has to offer to you. You have your compute Services developer tools machine learning and I’ll takes storage database Services.
    You can actually go ahead and use these on your own you can go ahead
    and create certain instances here now once you click here oniy Easy
    to you get to see the number of instances that are active the
    security groups that are there the keep is that you have let us see or take a look at an instance.
    Basically. I would tell you how to create one. I won’t create
    one myself because I have certain ones running already.
    I would just walk you through how the process works.
    When you click on that launch instance. It will give you options
    in what kind of an instance do you want to create so you can actually go ahead and
    pick the one that suits your need based on the OS you’re using
    and stuff like that since I’m using a Windows. We’ll be picking one for Windows
    and I would be using the one that is freely available to
    me or eligible for my free tier. So when I say select I see that
    a free tier eligible T2 micro instance is available to me.
    I can either click on this and directly go to the final step of
    creation, or I can take a step by step approach. That is if I want to
    modify it. I can go ahead and given these details as in the number of instances my
    purchasing options Network subnet auto-assign public IP and all those things.
    So let’s click on next and we can also also put in these details, but I’m going to stick to
    the default decisions or the selections. You can also go ahead and configure your security groups.
    I would talk about that as well. Do not worry and finally it would say do
    you want to remove and launch it? Once you click
    on this you would have a new instance they would be
    couple of statistics and you’d have your instance available for use
    to give you an example take a look at this as you can see.
    I have two instances running and the security checks are done and I can actually go ahead and
    do a lot of things with it. I can actually go ahead
    I can connect to a server. Again have my security group security policies.
    And when you have an instance, you can do so many things for
    hosting a website and the other things that are there now, I just mentioned keep are
    values and I mentioned security groups. Now when you talk about the key
    pair it is nothing but an authentication process that lets you use your instance.

    It is a verification process. Basically it varies when you talk about using it on your Linux and using it on your Windows
    Windows, you would need it for an external login as far
    as when you talk about Linux you’ll have To go ahead into your terminal
    and generate those SSH or your secure server Keys basically or secret selkies rather
    and then log into your website and then go
    ahead and use it on your server basically. So this is what happens.
    So that is something that you called as a keeper value when you talk about AWS a keeper value once created it
    is unanimous or it is not unanimous rather. It is primary
    to a particular instance and you should not lose it because if you do that instance becomes useless for you, so You have to make sure that once you create a
    key value pair that key value pair it stays with you and when you do try to connect to a server that keeper value or its value is
    available with you so that basically you can switch
    to your server and connect to it. And then you have something called as your security groups as
    well. Now if you come down here you can go ahead
    and set in your Security Group policies. Whatever.
    Those are you can create a new security group and you can just go ahead and add rules as in what kind of security policies you want.

    Say, for example, you have your HTTP https now if you’re
    using Windows, you’ll be needing our DP and those kinds of rules.
    You can go ahead and select a source you want to and accordingly you can set in your security rules.

    Once you create on click on create you’d be having your Security Group
    up and running for you and you can like stay assured that your so-called services are
    more than secure here. So yeah, this was about Amazon web services and how
    its interface looks like then you have something
    called as your gcp now gcp to has a free. The only difference is gcp gives
    you an a balanced amount as in say some amount of US Dollars and you can the services are paid services, but you
    can use this balance to go ahead and use those services.
    So it pans out to similar approach which aw stakes in but if
    you talk about their pricing, aw charges you on hourly basis, whereas your Google Cloud platform charges you and second basis.
    So it is more affordable. Say for example, you stop using a particular instance at two minutes.
    You’ll be charged. Only for those two minutes, but if
    you stop using an instance for two minutes in AWS would be charged for
    a complete are so that is the difference between the two as far as logging
    in is concerned again, you’ll be going ahead and giving in your credit card details here as well.
    The difference is here. You have to make sure that you do not enable your billing
    because once you do that, trust me, you’re going to end up paying a lot of
    money because I accidentally left few instances open. The last
    time I logged in and I was charged Hefty live without me
    being noticed. When you see a button missing that enable
    billing make sure that you use it carefully because you do not want to be charged for something
    that you are not using. So when you talk about gcp this is
    how the interface looks like. You have all the services here
    as well there you had your computer services you have you have your compute engine
    basically and you can to come here and create your instances.
    You can click here and you can go ahead and go through the process of creating your instances, but I won’t be creating an instance as far as you are gcp is concerned because I’ve given you a reason already.
    I’m happy working with AWS for now. This is your dashboard where you get
    in all the information as in whatever is happening as far as your
    account is concerned. So this is one of the accounts managed by
    a person I know who works with me and the
    certain projects which he has gone ahead and created.
    So it’s the information for those details are the details for that project basically and then you have something called as your Microsoft Azure now, I won’t log in and get into the
    details. But yeah it to provides you with similar services.
    So is this what about the different cloud? Riders that are then the market and I just wanted you all to have some understanding as
    in how do these things work? And what do these Services have to offer to you?
    I hope this is clear to all of you. Why a Microsoft is your why are you guys
    so interested in Microsoft with yard. Now one thing is that
    Microsoft is your is actually becoming pretty big.

    I mean the cloud leader on papers. It is AWS right
    now, but if you see the growth with that has been happening in the past few years Microsoft is your is actually coming out pretty big.
    Right? So and that is the reason if you look at this graph,
    there are the job opportunities for Azure has been on a rice and that is like this is the primary reason that you guys
    want to learn about Microsoft with your because obviously you want to make a
    career shift into the cloud industry, right and for
    that availability of jobs should also be a factor. And if you see the graph this graph is has actually been taken from indeed.com,
    right and as you can see the graph is rising. So if you see as 2014 it was around .01% in the
    mid in the late 2016. It’s reached around .09 it came down to a fault.
    But then again it is at a right. So this is apartment that you see but if you take
    my advice because I have seen the industry as far as I know these jobs.
    Are going to increase multiples in the future as well.

    Right? It’s not only restricted to is or if you talk about AWS if talk about any Cloud technology, it
    has become imperative for you to learn about Cloud because it is the thing everything in the next 10 or 15 years is going to
    be on the cloud right any company which is still
    on its own for my servers will move to the cloud one day or
    another because that is inevitable that Is something that has to happen and
    that is the reason it becomes very important for you guys to skill up to the cloud level right now talking about is your like I said, so jobs are increasing every day jobs are there for you?
    So what needs to be done from you guys is prepare for the exam.
    That is therefore Azure give that exam get the certification get hands-on experience and get the job.
    This is the course. This is the path that you should have for taking a cloud
    computing roll. Right having said that so that is this is the reason why we learning about Microsoft Azure today
    moving on. Let’s understand what Microsoft is your is
    exactly so Microsoft is your is a growing locations through
    Microsoft’s Global Network of data centers, right?
    So by using the Microsoft infrastructure, you build deploy and manage applications on the has your environment
    and Like as you’re like I said, it’s a cloud provider.
    It provides you the cloud services you’re using those cloud services,
    but those cloud services are actually on the Microsoft infrastructure.
    And that is what you are paying them for right? So, this is what Microsoft Azure is all about guys.

    Now, let’s see a use case now that is My Philosophy
    is that rather than doing all the theory first and then going on to the Practical I would like to follow the reverse approach, right?
    I would I’d like to begin from practicals because that
    is what your exam will be based on your exam will be based on real-life example that you
    based on real-life scenarios Lou based on what kind of Hands- On knowledge you have
    in your as your domain. All right, and that is the reason every session of ours will
    have a use case through which we will try to analyze how
    we can implement it in the cloud. Right? So this is your
    first use case. This is kind of simple guys. So please pay attention. So we are trying
    to make a website which is something like this. Right?

    So what happens here is you have a set of
    images and these images are actually being played in the background.
    And in this website, you have a functionality to upload more files to the cloud and once
    you do that those files will automatically be added in the slideshow and we’ll start running.
    Alright, so this is our use case and we have to implement it
    on the cloud. So there are two stages in the way.
    We are going to take this use cage the first stages. We’re going to apply pure logic, right?
    We are going to understand how we can actually deploy it on any cloud service
    right? Not only does your butt any Cloud platform if it is out there, how can we
    implement this use case? So let’s see that first
    and after that once you have understood that will try implementing
    it in as your so first. Let’s see how We will implement this in a general scenario by pure logic.
    So your user base will be accessing the internet right now when your user will try
    to access the website, he will enter the website name, right?
    So all of that traffic will come at this point, which is
    called a load balancer. Now, what is the load balancer a load balancer is
    basically a service which distributes your traffic equally among the server’s running at that time.
    So say there are like five servers running your website then and if traffic is
    coming on to your servers that traffic will be distributed among those five servers by the load balancer.
    So the job of the load balancer is to distribute the traffic equally among the service, right?
    So this is what the load balancer is all about. So your user base from the Internet is trying to access your website.
    So the traffic comes to the load balancer and the load balancer separates
    or Segregated traffic into equal proportions and give it
    to the server’s right. So once the traffic comes
    onto the server’s the server’s process the request and if you talk about our website,
    so our photos are actually stored on a file system, right?
    So whatever files you are uploading or whatever files
    are there, which are already been uploaded there on a file system, right?
    So it will access that file system for fetching those files, but our servers they don’t know.
    What files do we want? Right? What is the like say, for example, I upload a file and before uploading the file.
    There were three pictures running in the background.
    So my server should know what are those three files that I have excess
    right? There should be a list of those files that the server has to
    play in the background. Now that list of files is actually stored in a database, right?
    So what my service will do is it will first get that list from the database right?
    And once it gets at least it will fetch that. List of files from the file system say there are around five files
    in the database. So my server will interpret the addresses
    of those files from the database and then it will call the file
    system and get those addresses or get those files from there and Fry to show that
    in this slideshow in the website. Now when we upload the file, what happens is first your
    database is updated, right? So whatever file
    is being uploaded to your servers, that file is Renamed according to whatever parameter
    you have set because it has to be unique. Right each file has to be identified with a unique name, right?

    So it renames that file to that unique name and then store it on the database once entry has been made
    on the database then it gets uploaded onto the file system.
    Right? So guys, this is the architecture of your application just as the logic that will be following today.
    So let’s try to implement this architecture has your nose Understood how we can actually architect this
    use case in a general way. Right? Let’s see how we can implement it in the has your environment.
    So in the Azure environment the servers that you’re
    trying to implement is actually provided to
    you by a service called the app service.
    What is AB service will be discussing in the further slides.

    Then let’s talk about the load balancer and auto-scaling.
    So the load balancer is actually implemented by the
    has your load balancer and auto-scaling, right?
    And having said that then we talked about the database.
    So database is the mySQL database that will be using in Azure and then you have the file
    system which is called blob storage in your what are these Services you might be confused.
    Okay. What is your load balancer? What is the app so is
    what is mySQL database? What is blob storage? Don’t worry.
    I will explain everything to you in the coming few slides.
    So let’s go ahead then. So these are the services that you’ll be
    using in a jar. Let’s go ahead and understand these Services one by one.

    So let’s talk about the app service first. So the app service is basically
    a part of the compute domain. All right, and in the compute domain you have
    a lot of sources, but why are we using the app service?
    Let’s understand that. So there are basically three kinds of services in the compute domain if
    you talked about in a very broad sense. The first service is called the virtual machine.
    Now. What is the virtual machine a virtual machine is just like a traditional computer.
    Now that you have in your in-house data house.
    It is a computer that is accessible to you and you can do anything with that computer where you have all the
    rights to that computer. All you have to do is basically what you will do with a virtual
    machine is you will say that I need this much RAM.
    I need this much storage and I need this much configuration. Please give
    me a computer. So as your will create that virtual machine for you, right and it will give you
    the IP address and the password for that machine.
    What you can do is by remote desktop connection. And you can enter that IP address and the password and you will be able to connect to that
    computer. Now, once you connect to that computer,
    it is your computer annoyed you have the access to the
    user interface. You can do anything on this computer. You can make it a website server.

    You can make it a worker to your environment. You can use it to for image processing right?

    You can do multiple things on a so I like you I
    might be doing on your server as well. Right? So this is what virtual
    machines is all about. You can configure it to Become anything.
    Our next service is called the app servers. So it is a basically an automated version of a virtual machine, but with limited possibilities when I say limited possibilities it
    is this service is actually very more focused.
    Right so app service. Basically, it doesn’t give you the access to the user interface.
    All right, but that gives you more simple interface to deal with because if
    you want to host a website in virtual machine you would have To configure the
    virtual machine you would have to configure the firewalls.
    You would have to install the necessary software like say for example, you
    have a PHP website, right? So you would have to install PHP software on a virtual machine and then you would have
    to copy those your website files or the files that you have coded into a specific folder and then you would have testified the configuration for your firewall and everything.
    Right? So there were a lot of things that you had to
    do in your virtual machine with app service.
    You don’t have to do anything. Then you just have to specify
    what language you want. Say, for example, I want
    a PHP website. So I’ll select PHP. I’ll do next then last me what kind of configuration of servers I want.
    I’ll specify the configuration. I click next and that is
    it. My website will be deployed automatically.
    It will ask me to upload the files. I’ll upload the files.
    It will automatically send it to whatever folder it is required and this
    done right? So this is the part of app service right?
    It is more automated because the Pitching machine everything
    had to be done manually, but with app service
    everything happens automatically. I just have
    to upload my files, right? So this is what app service is all about.
    So, like I said, so app service is basically used
    to deploy an application. All right, you cannot do
    anything else with it. You cannot use it to process a customized workload
    or something like that. You can just use it
    to deploy an application and that is why it is called an app service Right Moving On Let’s Talk.
    Talk about functions of functions is basically a very new
    technology. It’s called the server less architecture it basically what it does is you don’t
    have to specify the configuration. You don’t have to specify anything.
    You just have to upload your code and it executes it
    for you, but it will not deploy any application for you.
    For example, you want to host a website. It’s not do that.
    It just does processing in the sense. It will only do background tasks for you.
    For example, if you Have let me take an example which uses both these Services.
    If you have say an application like Instagram, right?

    So user uploads His image on your application. And then your application has to store that image now before
    storing that image. Maybe you want to compress the image
    or you want to apply a filter to it or whatever,
    right? So from your application the file is uploaded. And now
    these many tasks have to be done if these tasks are actually configured
    in your code, which is Actually uploading the file as well.
    It will actually increase the overhead on the server which is hosting an application. But what we
    can do is the way things happen today is everything is distributed.

    Right? So from your application only the file will be uploaded.
    Once the file is uploaded. Right? The tasks will be the tasks like renaming the
    file or compressing the file applying the filters.

    Everything will be done using the functions. So the function will get invoked whenever the file.
    Is it uploaded using the app servers and the function will execute
    all the tasks that have to be done on that particular image this reduces the overhead on the server which is hosting
    your application. Right? And you have your background tasks will
    be implemented by a functions and then will be stored in the respective file system.
    Whatever you have coded your function to do right?
    So this is basically the difference. So recapping again virtual machine is basically a computer you can configure
    it to anything you can actually we use app servers in a virtual machine Mallory.
    For example, you want to deploy an application you can use it by configuring
    a virtual machine, right? You can also use it as a function your virtual machine that I mean to say as in you can configure it to only execute background tasks.
    But the thing is you have to configure everything manually.
    If you want an automated version you can go with app Service app Services used to deploy an application. Right?
    But if you are use case is not about deploying application you want to do
    some raw? Searching you might as well hop for functions, which is
    a service which is not used to deploy an application but is used
    to execute background tasks. All right, so guys a doubt and whatever we have discussed like we discussed virtual machine.

    We have discussed app service and we’ve discussed functions.
    All right. Like I said, we are using the app service why
    because we are deploying a website, right? So for deploying a website, I need apps away.
    So it cannot be done using functions can be done were doing virtual machines as well,
    but it will need a lot of manual work and our job is to make everything faster right cloud computing is all
    about speeding up things. The speed of implementing
    is increased right so I rather use an app service and upload my code on the Service
    and it will deploy the website from right it’s that simple guys.
    Let’s move on to the next topic of today’s discussion, which is the blob storage.
    So the blob storage is basically the file system that you need to
    upload your files, right? You definitely need a file system.
    There is no alternative to this. Right. So your
    blob storage is the place where you will be storing your image files, but why did we choose the blob
    storage by not some other service from the storage to Maine?
    Let’s discuss that. So in the storage domain basically, you have three kind of services you have more services
    well, but these are the three main services in the blob in the
    storage domain. You have the block storage. You have the Q
    storage and then you have the backup, right? So the block storage is like I said is a file system on which you can upload
    any kind of file, right? And that’s about it.
    There is nothing more to blob storage. This is the thing next is Kyu storage Secure Storage is basically a queuing service whenever you
    have to synchronize tasks. For example process one has to be
    done before process to and process to help it to be done before process
    3. So what you can do is you can bundle these tasks in a sequential
    Manner and you can add it to the queue storage.
    Right? What the queue storage will do is it
    will actually hold these tasks according to the sequence
    that you entered, right? And whenever the queue storage is
    accessed it will give them only the first task now the second task is the
    third task first. So the way It functions is like this say for example, like I said the image processing application. I
    want to rename file first there won’t I want to add filters and
    then I want to store it on the file system. So these three tasks I will write it down and I will add it
    into the queue storage now. See these tasks will be done
    by my functions. All right. So what functions will do is it will try to interact with Q storage and last for a task, right?
    So Q storage will give the task to Functions in a very
    sequential manner in the sense that it will first give it the task
    to rename the file. So it will rename the file.
    Once that task is done. It will again try to xsq storage and then cute store has been given a
    task to filter the image or apply filter to the image, right then we’ll apply a filter to
    the image will be done with that and then it will try to again the
    to storage and then it will see that okay now it has to store that file in a file system which
    is specified the code right and it will pick that task do it.
    It and be done in the first file and then it again XS Q storage in the process goes
    on. Right? So basically Q storage is used to give a sequential manner to the processes
    that are trying to execute having said that this is a work
    queue storage then comes back up. So backup is a service where in you can store your in frequently accessed data,
    right? What is your in frequently accessed data could be for example in my
    company. We take a record of everything right we take our Out
    of every class that we do we take a record of every query that
    you guys raised now save the classes that were taken say like 2 years ago, right and as obviously I cannot delete those classes because they have to be kept
    for record. But what is the point of keeping them on my life hard drive because my life hard drive is where I do.
    My current tasks, right? So rather than keeping it on my life hard drive I
    say, okay. Let me keep it in a CD or a pen drive and keep it somewhere where I can take it
    out when I actually need them. Right? So this is the concept of taking a backup now similarly.

    If you want to take a backup in as your say you have your
    virtual machine and you have stored a lot of files on your virtual machine, but you think okay.
    I don’t need these files anymore. Or maybe I don’t need you
    file it as of now, I might them need them later. So why do spend that much
    on the stories that you’re taking on the virtual machine right rather than storing the in frequently
    accessed data. Why not put more frequently exist.
    So what you can do is the in frequently accessed data that you have in your
    machine on the cloud. You can actually take a
    backup of that and store it in the backup service. Now,
    why will you store it in the back of services?
    Because storage is more cheaper when you talk
    about the backup servers because obviously first of all,
    they’ll use magnetic tapes or they’ll use ssds or something like that to store
    your data now, why is it cheap is because obviously it has a downside that the response time of the
    time to retrieve the files from a backup service is obviously more.
    For example, if you are stored everything in your virtual machine, you can like go to that particular folder access that file and that is it right.
    But if you have stored in the backup service, the retrieval actually takes time, but it is worth it because
    you don’t use that file every day, right? You won’t be using it
    and also you’re paying less so it doesn’t pinch
    you that much because you’re paying less and you are not using
    that file very Yes, well, so why not put it in the backup service?
    So this is what the backup service is all about.
    Now today in our implementation. We are using the blob storage for obvious reasons that we I want to store my image files,
    right? So I not store it on the back up obviously and not show
    it in the queue storage As Told in the blobstore
    it because that is what that service is meant to do.

    Now. The next service from Azure is the MySQL service from Azure.
    It is basically a MySQL implementation on the LG.

    Our infrastructure was right, so you Can use any database you want another you have an SQL service, which is purely SQL.
    So if you’re comfortable with that, you can use it.
    I am using MySQL for my use case today because that is the
    way I have quoted my application to be right. So it is just personal choice.
    The next service that we are going to talk about is auto-scaling and load balancing.

    So like I said load balancing is when you want to equally distribute your Among the number of servers that are running that time and auto-scaling is actually scaling up the number of servers that you’re using according to the traffic
    that is coming onto your website. So you can actually set a metric that so many
    obviously when more traffic is coming onto
    your website your CPU utilization will increase because you have
    to process more requests now. Yeah, so your server will be processing more requests and that is the reason your CPU usage
    will He’s so you can actually set a metric. Let’s say my CPU usage when it increases 60 or 70% increase
    one more instance or increase three or four more inches high.
    So it is based on your personal use. So this is what order scaling is all about.

    And obviously when you using Auto scaling, the number of servers is changing constantly,
    you need a load balancer along with it, right the load balancer so that say you have six
    or seven servers which are running right now and say the traffic
    decreases and it sees okay now the sea Utilization is going down. So it will reduce the number
    of servers. Right? So when it will reduce the number of sources
    do load balancers should identify. Okay, though. They were seven servers before now there are like three
    so you’ll be Distributing the traffic according to those three servers, right?
    So the load balancer actually pays a very important role
    in the order scaling process having said that so this is how all this killing actually works.
    So say you have one server, right and the usage increases it goes on to become two servers and then again the usage increases it
    becomes 3 service right now when the users decreases these three servers can be reduced to one server or can be reduced to so so this
    is a diagram representation of what or scaling is.
    We talk about load balancer. Like I said, so load balancer is a very crucial part
    of Aura scaling process because load balancer is the part which actually distributes the traffic according to
    the number of servers that are running at that time. All right.
    So this is how the process Smokes the traffic comes on to the load balancer and
    the load balancer sees how many servers are running and distributes traffic
    according to that. All right. Okay. So we’re done with the services.

    These are the services that we’ll be using today.

    So now we will see how we can launch these services in the has ER user environment.
    So guys will talk about the Apsos first. We’ll see how we can launch an app service in the as your UI.
    Okay, let me show you the user interface for a year now.

    So guys this is how the user interface for as your looks like.
    You have all the services listed here on the left side.
    Right? And this is the dashboard. This is called the dashboard whatever
    Services you launch. You can pin it here for basically getting accessed
    quickly. It is just like a desktop on your computer which has all the shortcuts in everything and this is what the dashboard is
    actually used for. All right. Having said that let’s see how
    we can launch the app. So In Azure, so first you will click on app Services as you can see from here.

    You can click on app services and moving ahead. Once you have clicked on app
    Services. You will reach this plate click on create app services and then you’ll click on web app and that
    is it. Let me show you how you do that. So you’ll click on app Services click on create app
    Services you go down click on web app. And over here as
    you can see after this, you will reach the screen when you will see that you have four options.
    You can either code your website in.net PHP node.js or python.
    So if it is either of these four languages, you don’t have to do anything.
    You just have to upload your code in this web
    app that you’ll be creating and your app will be deployed automatically without installing
    any software without doing any configuration Justice, right?
    Okay. So once you have reached this page You
    will click on create. So let’s click on Create and then you will reach the screen. So now you have
    to give your application some name. So let us give us this
    name as in Eureka – 0 1 so see that everything is fine.
    So this subscription is pay-as-you-go Resource Group is
    something which you can create or you can use existing. So Resource Group is something it’s a group of all the resources, right?

    So if you put if you are it will be creating a storage.

    Count will be creating database account. We are
    creating an app. So it’s right. So all of this will come under one group.
    It can be clubbed in one group and will be called as resource for any
    changes that you want put across the group you can do to the resource Group.

    All right, we’ll be discussing in detail. What a resource Group is in the further modules, but for now all you should understand is that
    a group of resources is called a resource book. So if you have an application and just
    utilizing say three or four resources, it’s better to put those resources.
    Under one group. All right. So this is about that. Then you have the app service plan. So app service plan is something as in what kind of computers you use and everything.
    So let’s create a new plan for you so that you understand
    it better under the pricing tier. This is the main part that you have to select guys.
    You can select the app service plan it can give it
    some name. Let’s give it as a service – 1. All right, and this is
    my app service plan. You can select what kind of plan you need.
    Let me see. Like the basic plan as of now and click on select right and then click on OK.
    So this was about Apsos plan. You can click on application insights which basically gives you the monitoring tools for now.
    Let’s not discuss it. Let’s not go into it. We’d be discussing it later.
    And now let’s click on create. So I am taking the
    PIN to dashboard which will basically create a shortcut on a dashboard to this application comes in handy.
    And that’s it guys. You will click on create.
    Alright, so now my application is being created.
    Okay, so all right why my web app is deploying.

    Let me go back to my slide and let’s jump onto our next service which is blob
    storage. So like I said blob storage just like a file system.
    You need a file system to show your files, right? So that is
    what the blobster is all about. Let’s see how we can create a blob storage instance in Azure.
    So you will reach this is the dashboard you reach the screen. You will
    click on storage accounts. Once you have clicked on Story
    the council click on ADD. And that is it guys.
    Nothing much acquired. Let’s go ahead and do this I go here.
    I’ll click on storage accounts. I will reach the screen and click on ADD and I will start entering the values.
    So let’s give it the name called Eureka – 0 1 so this is taken. Let’s give it a name as well as your I do.
    Write this name is available. All right, the performance should
    be standard because this is a demo replication is not required.
    So I’ll say locally redundant Storage storage service encryption should
    not require secure transfer is not required and subscription is pay-as-you-go.
    Okay Resource Group. Let’s select a director – 0 1 because this is the
    resource Group that I selected earlier, right and
    let’s pin it to dashboard. click on create Alright,
    so my web app has been deployed already and my storage account is also being deployed.
    All right, so this was about it. Let’s go on. Let’s see for our MySQL.
    So for MySQL, let’s see what all we have to do. So we will click on you.
    We will click on databases and then we’ll click on as
    your database for MySQL. All right, and that
    is about it. Let’s go back and do that. So we’ll click on new.
    The search for as your database. for MySQL All
    right here this so I click on this and I’ll click on create.
    So here it is. I have to enter the server name. Let’s enter the server name as
    Eureka – 0 1 it is available. It’s good. The resource Group should be the same.
    So let’s select a riruka – 0 1 so admin login name.
    Let’s give it as any Rekha password. Let’s
    give it any Rekha one, two, three, four confirm the password and Eureka one, two, three four,
    and it is asking me some special characters or let me add the special character as well.
    Okay. So basically you cannot have the login name and your password.
    So let me change the password to add you one two,
    three, four exclamation same in the confirmation. All right.
    So this is available. Now the location sounds introduced
    version is 5.7 pricing tier. Let me see if there is something more or less.
    All right. I think this I click on OK. Bennett dashboard
    and click on play. It’s pretty simple guys. You would know when you will do the
    Hands-On on yourself. So the pricing tier can be the minimum if you are using it for demo or if
    you’re creating an application, which is for global scale application huge can choose the pricing
    Theory according to that. Alright while it is deploying.
    Let’s move ahead. So let’s come onto the auto-scaling part now.
    So basically we have to configure our web app to order scale as and when required It so let’s see how
    we can do that. So let’s understand the types of Auto scaling first.

    So basically there are two types of scaling one is called horizontal scaling and one is called vertical scaling.

    So horizontal scaling is when you are increasing the number of servers that you require say, you don’t have an i7 server.

    For example. All right. Now the usage goes up so you
    take to i7 servers and if it again goes up you take 3i7 SOS,
    right. So this is what horizontal scaling is all about
    right? Let’s come onto vertical scaling now. So vertical scaling
    is when you are increasing the capacity or the configuration of your
    system say you were using an I3 system before right the
    traffic increases. So now you’re using an I-5 system the traffic increasing now you’re using the i7 system.
    So you are having only one machine but you’re increasing the configuration of your system, right?
    So these are the two Types of scaling which exists in auto-scaling also the other way
    is manual scaling so you can also manually scale up your in the
    number of instances or the configuration of your system. Right?
    So the way to do that is to manually go into the
    service change the pricing tier and you are said this is how you
    manually scale auto-scaling. I’m going to tell you in a couple of you slides.
    Also guys when you are auto-scaling like I said load balancing is Quickly attached to it.
    Alright, so when you would be orders killing in a web app, you don’t have
    to configure the load balancer. The load balancer is configured automatically and said automatically for you to
    be used right because it doesn’t make sense to use or scaling and not use load balancer.
    And that is the reason as your has automated the process of
    attaching a load balancer when you using orders Right Moving ahead guys.

    Let’s see how we can launch this instance. So guys first you will click on app Services.

    You will go to your particular. Instance that ER have launched you will go to scale out and you will click on enable auto scale.
    All right. So let’s do that. We will go to app Services which is here.
    So this is my instance. I have launched I click on idea raiga – 0 1 I’ll
    go down. And as you can see I have two options. I have scale up and I have scale out when I
    click on scale up. You see the pricing tier so I can increase the configuration of my system right?
    But this is not about what I want. I want to scale out which is I
    want to increase the number of instances running right
    now, right? So so it says Auto scale is not supported for basic chair
    of web apps. Okay, so let me change my configuration. Alright,
    so if I go to scale out now, you can see that I have the
    option to enable auto scale. So I will click on enable auto scale and then let’s give it
    a name. Let’s give it a name as any Rekha Auto.
    Alright, so my auto scaling property name is Erica Otto.
    The resource Group is a Eureka – 0 1 right.
    So now you have an option to Scale based on a metric which is
    based on some statistics. Like the CPUs is or the
    memory usage or anything. Right? And the other one
    is scaled to a specific instance count. So for example, whenever the traffic increases say you
    were one instance now like increased five instances. All right.

    So these are the two options will go with Scale based on a metric and scale out in scale in your
    instances based on Metric. All right. So let’s add a rule.

    Let’s add the rule as in what we want. What kind of metric do we
    want to? Monitor and scale according to right? So as you can see the time aggregation is not
    something we should be worried about. Okay guys, so
    these are all the metrics that you can actually monitor and scale according to you can scale according to the memory percentage.
    You can scale according to disc, uh dpq data in and out, right?
    So let’s for now keep it simple and scale according to CP percentage right time.
    I’m is not something you should be worried about and the operator.
    All right, so what should be the condition so should it be
    greater than or should it be greater than or equal to let’s keep it at greater than or equal to.
    So whenever the threshold is greater than a whenever
    the CPU Z will go greater than or equal to 70 for
    10 minutes so you can set this as say two minutes, right?

    Okay. Let’s see. It says that it should be between 5 and
    7 2000. Get let’s keep it at five increase count by.
    So let’s see what our options we have here. So you
    can increase by percentage. You can increase by count to as
    in if you were one. You can increase it to 10, right
    and you can decrease the count or you can decrease the person by as well.
    Alright, so when you are auto-scaling guys,
    you have to set two rules one is the rule to increase R. Obviously one rule is there to
    decrease so whenever the traffic goes down you have to decrease Reese your instances as well.
    So for now we are setting the increase rule so let’s set the
    increase count by option. So how many instances should increase I think one is a
    fair number and cooldown is something that is
    actually there when you are say you are asked you right now, right and then say you order scaled one minute back.
    And again the CPU usage goes up. So rather than going on and Filling up again. What you can do is you
    can wait for 5 minutes and watch the metrics right because it doesn’t happen in a second that your
    CPU usage will go down because there are a lot of services which are actually running right so you can beat once your new server has been deployed.
    You can wait for the traffic to be transferred to that server as well.
    And then you can see the metrics go down right for that.
    We keep something called cool down minutes, right?
    So we have the default is for Five, let’s keep it at five only and now this is
    it guys. There’s nothing else to configure. Let’s click on ADD.
    Alright, so as you can see, this rule has been said, let’s add one more rule to decrease.
    So the CPU percentage is fine. The operator should be less than or less than right.
    So whenever the threshold is less than 50% Decrees count by one instance and let the cool
    down be this much. Alright. So again, the cooldown logic goes
    here as well. Say you decrease an instance.
    And again your CPU is still low because it takes
    time for your traffic could to get transferred to the server number.

    It has the keys down to right. So let’s
    keep the cooldown in it. So we’ll click on our now.

    All right, so we have added the auto scaling group. Hello guys.
    This is

Z kraju